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I personally have been using the Weather Underground website & Android app
for many years now. I'm not so keen on desktop apps.

On Thu, Sep 10, 2020 at 3:39 PM John Jason Jordan <> wrote:

> For years I have used xfce4-weather-plugin in my Xubuntu 18.04 panel.
> Unfortunately, it is hard coded to secure weather information from a
> place in Norway, which periodically changes its requirements, rendering
> the plugin unusable. And this has just happened yet again, leaving me
> trying to find an alternative - preferably one that uses a stable
> service for weather data.
> And to clarify, the version that I have installed was 0.8.9, which I
> upgraded to 0.8.10, the latest in the 18.04 repositories, but it still
> uses the same out of date location for weather data. I also found a
> version 0.10.0, available only as an archive, and after extracting it I
> discovered that it must be installed from source. I tried to do so, but
> it failed due to a missing dependency. And I also found a .deb file for
> 0.10.1, which also failed to install because of a different missing
> dependency. This latter dependency made reference to a version => 4.13,
> which I am pretty sure refers to the version 4.12 of Xfce that I have.
> Version 4.14 is the latest, but getting 4.12 to work on my UHD monitors
> took several days. Yes, I'll have to go there some day, but for now I
> wish to stay where I am.
> I should add the fact that this little xfce4 panel plugin has never been
> very accurate. I like its simplicity, but it wouldn't break my heart to
> say goodbye to it. Accordingly, I tried my-weather-indicator from the
> repositories, only to discover that it insists on finding my location
> for me, with the result that all I can get is weather for Miami FL, the
> location of the server that my VPN currently has me connected to.
> And since that was unacceptable, I tried gnome-weather and a couple
> others, but I didn't like any of them. So my question is, does anyone
> have any suggestions for a weather app?
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