
I have an HP Deskjet printer connected to a LAN. Without checking to see if my hardwire cable was plugged in, I attempted to print a document to this default printer. Nothing happened, so I checked the status, the printer was placed into pause.

I opened up the HP Printer Manager and went to the controls section and hit "enable printer", it asked for the permission override, and then did nothing. I tried this 2 or 3 times, with no results.

I went to the CUPS configurator and found that the printer check box for enabled was white which meant the printer was NOT enabled. I checked the box, and closed out, rewriting the configuration files. This had the net effect of enabling the printer back into active mode (on a working LAN)


Why could the HP Printer Manager not override the pause state of the printer? It seems to me that some execution permission is not there, or perhaps the HP program does not have Wheels group permission? Any ideas?

- Randall

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