On 11/8/21 15:11, logical american wrote:
> Hi:
> I have an HP Deskjet printer connected to a LAN. Without checking to see
> if my hardwire cable was plugged in, I attempted to print a document to
> this default printer. Nothing happened, so I checked the status, the
> printer was placed into pause.
> I opened up the HP Printer Manager and went to the controls section and
> hit "enable printer", it asked for the permission override, and then did
> nothing. I tried this 2 or 3 times, with no results.
> I went to the CUPS configurator and found that the printer check box for
> enabled was white which meant the printer was NOT enabled. I checked the
> box, and closed out, rewriting the configuration files. This had the net
> effect of enabling the printer back into active mode (on a working LAN)
> Question:
> Why could the HP Printer Manager not override the pause state of the
> printer? It seems to me that some execution permission is not there, or
> perhaps the HP program does not have Wheels group permission? Any ideas?
> - Randall

HPLIP (3.20.5 here) is a series of python modules. Many distros are
dropping back to Python-3.9 since Python-3.10 (as is their habit)
changed syntax etc. making MPLIP ad other stuff useless.  Here, after
wrestling with HPLIP hp-scan and various broken hp-toolbox issues (even
tried 3.21.8; I was able to find a few partial patches), Slackware-15.0
RC1 rolled back to Python-3.9 so that stuff just works. Check your
distro package repo.

Given the Python devs' mindset, I would never recommend Python for any
programming project.  Idiots, all of them.

"They can pry C, FORTRAN and assembly from my cold, dead fingers!"


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