On Sat, 19 Feb 2022, Jason Barnett wrote:

That seems like a logical conclusion, but I cannot say for sure.  I know my
system boots fine, so yours is likely OK too.


My desktop also has those two filesystems 'ignored':
# mount -fav swap : ignored
/                        : ignored
/home                    : already mounted
/opt                     : already mounted
/data1                   : already mounted
/boot/efi                : already mounted
/media/hd1               : already mounted
/media/backup            : already mounted
/mnt/thumb               : already mounted
/mnt/flash               : already mounted
/dev/pts                 : already mounted
/proc                    : already mounted
/dev/shm                 : already mounted

It's curious that 'ignored' doesn't seem to mean what we commonly think it



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