On 1/10/23 12:21, Bill Barry wrote:
On Tue, Jan 10, 2023 at 2:03 PM Dick Steffens<d...@dicksteffens.com>  wrote:
I'm trying to run two programs that need JACK, MuseScore and GrandOrgue.

I start JACK with QjackCtl. When I click "Start" I get an error message
telling me "D-BUS: JACK server could not be started." Searching for that
error message sent me to:


where I'm told to change a setting in QJackctl. It says there's a field
labeled "Server path".  I find no such field, nor anything that looks
like it could be it.

Any idea where I should look next?


Dick Steffens
How about QJackCtl -help ?

rsteff@ENU-1:~$ qjackctl -help
Warning: no translation found for 'en_US' locale: /usr/share/qjackctl/translations/qjackctl_en_US.qm
Cannot connect to server socket err = No such file or directory
Cannot connect to server request channel
jack server is not running or cannot be started
JackShmReadWritePtr::~JackShmReadWritePtr - Init not done for -1, skipping unlock JackShmReadWritePtr::~JackShmReadWritePtr - Init not done for -1, skipping unlock

Running qjackctl -help produces the above, but it does start the gui application.


Dick Steffens

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