I'm running Xubuntu 20.04. I'm experiencing longer than expected delays from time to time. Generally, within any application, things are fine. I don't have any issues with delays in programs like LibreOffice Writer. It's mostly when starting an application. Sometimes it's when copying or moving a file from one directory to another. The most recent example is I had just finished editing an .m4a recording with Audacity. I exported it as a .mp3 file. My default is to save files to the desktop and them move them to the directory where I want them to live. It took nearly a  minute to move the 4.3 MB .mp3 file from the desktop to another directory. I plan to keep the original file, but I couldn't move it until the process of moving the .mp3 file completed. Then I could move the .m4a file. It is also 4.3 MB, and also took nearly a minute to move.

Another example is how long it takes some applications to load. I recall starting up LibreOffice Writer in just a couple seconds. Now it takes closer to 30 seconds. Top doesn't give me any useful clues as to whether something is hogging all the processing power.

The processor is an Intel(R) Core(TM) i3-4130 CPU @ 3.40GHz.

free -h tells me
rsteff@ENU-1:~$ free -h
              total        used        free      shared buff/cache   available
Mem:          7.6Gi       4.6Gi       169Mi       756Mi 2.9Gi       2.0Gi
Swap:         2.0Gi       857Mi       1.2Gi

While I do have a number of applications running, I've always had a similar number running and response in them used to be pretty quick.

What else can I do to try to figure out what's slowing things down?



Dick Steffens

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