I'm curious what others are using to do a bare metal restore of Linux
systems.  Here is my problem.  I just got a new 80G hard drive for my
laptop.  The existing 60G hard drive contains a windows and Linux
partition that I dual boot.  All I need to do is transfer the existing
data to the new drive.  Here are some of the things I've tried so far

    The image creation on the 60G takes about 30min.  The restore
however using the same hardware and network setup was going to tak 5
Days and counting

   This looks like a cool project worthy of more investigation.  I was
able to restore the 60G(it took 7hrs) on the 80G drive but there was
data corruption.

dd with netcat
On the master machine containing the 60G drive I did the following:
     master# dd if=/dev/hda | nc <slaveip> <slaveport>

On the slave machine containing the 80G drive I did the following:

     slave# nc -l -p 9000 | dd of=/dev/hda

This method was the fastest(3.2 hours to restore) but the machine is
dog slow in both windows and Linux.

At this point I'm resolved to just reinstall everything on the new
hard drive and copy my files over but there has got to be an easier
way than spending hours doing a reinstall, not to mention all of the
custom tweaks and configurations.
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