I got my MS degree from the Universtiy of Phoenix. UOP also has a BS program in CIS. This degree may not be what most of you are looking for since it's more of a management degree - management over CIS employees. I liked attending UOP because:

 1. I had enough tuition reimbursement to pay for it
2. The flexnet program allowed me to meet my classmates the first day and last day of class 3. All other weeks were online discussions, sort of like this list, but nntp instead of imap or pop

As a working adult, the flexnet program was well suited for my needs and I learned a lot, as one should expect with a MS program. There were a few serious drawbacks to the program:

1. They are Microsoft partnered, so they used all Microsoft Office products

That looks like one point, but really, it's many: Microsoft Project, Microsoft SQL Server, Microsoft Visio, Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel... etc. As I went through the program, I was forever promoting Open Source, making presentations with Open Office, presenting material about MySQL instead of MS SQL Server, etc. UOP policy stated that all students should have MS Office. I refused to buy a legal copy of MS Office for $400 or so and refused to use pirated software (which I bet most of the other classmates were using), so I did all my work in Open Office. I already understood the MS stuff - I was a Sr tech for all of them a few years ago. I wanted to get more learning out of my MS degree.

That's a drawback to several Universities. I'd say way too many of them teach their students MS products exclusively. I argue that any University CS department that only studies and uses MS products cannot be a quality CS department? I'd love to see BYU go Open Source.

Has anyone experienced a good CS program that promotes Open Source, or at least a contrast of MS against OS? That's what I'd like to hear about.

Brandon Stout

John Anderson wrote:
On 9/24/07, Stephen Shaw <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
That really depends.  There are some problems that focus on theory
and others that focus on practical experience.


Yeah, I was hoping people would give their reasons for why they think its
the best,
everyone has their opinion on whats more important.

So, to clear things up, I want to add "And why?" =)

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