On 9/24/07, Brandon Stout <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> That's a drawback to several Universities.  I'd say way too many of them
> teach their students MS products exclusively.  I argue that any
> University CS department that only studies and uses MS products cannot
> be a quality CS department?  I'd love to see BYU go Open Source.

I'd say BYU is pretty Open Source from what I've seen, with a caveat.
I'm taking the OS class right now (CS 345) and I'm amazed at how many
people in the class can't compile and link in Linux.  The beginning
class (142) is a use what you know class, then the next few classes
(235, 236, 240) are geared towards Linux environments.  With the
exception of 240, you can use Windows if you want, but in 240 you have
to pass off on the lab Linux boxen (when I took it 2 years ago).  So
now I'm in my first class (CS 312) where a Windows environment is
necessary (the language for the class is C#).  So I guess what I'm
trying to say is that BYU CS is Open Source, but many students are
sneaking by with Windows, and consequently getting into trouble by not
knowing how to work in Linux.

Alex Esplin

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