Dr. Scott S. Jones wrote:
>  >  
>> You might want to try "resetting" the TCP stack in windows before you 
>> nuke the machine. I have seen doing that fix some random problems. You 
>> can only do it from the command line in XP. Here is the command
>> netsh int ip reset c:\log.txt
>> At least I think that is the correct syntax. It has been a little while 
>> since I have done it and I don't have an XP box in front of me to test 
>> with. Good luck.
> Mike: 
> I ran your suggestion. SUDDENLY, I can see the other machines on the LAN. 
> Dayammmm.. now I can access the net again TOO!
> You are a lifesaver. 
> I am still going to back up XP and get to the point where I CAN nuke it,
> once I either get a new machine, or can get everything running under WINE on
> my linux box, that I now run on XP. 
> Thank You, Very Much!
> Scott
Awesome. That command has saved me more than once. It even fixed some
quirkyness when the Novell client started acting up on a machine. It is
a very useful command to keep around and one of those "well i might as
well try this" things.

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