On 25 Sep 2008, at 16:27, Daniel C. wrote:

Since I can't imagine the city council telling him that he can't have
a garden, I'm going to assume that by "garden" he meant something
obnoxiously huge and/or rank that got so bad it started affecting
neighboring property values.

No, Orem has had an infestation of Japanese beetles for a few years. The only way to get rid of them was via aerial spraying. This spray was not save for consumption however so that city informed residents that they should not grow a garden. What's ridiculous about the man in the story's position is that if the city didn't spray, he wouldn't have a garden either because the beetles were eating it all. So, he had a choice, go without a garden for a few years while the city exterminates or go without one forever as the beetle population infests everything.

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