Bryan Sant wrote:

The furthest I could go is how Wikipedia states that it is a,
"quasi-public (government entity with private components) banking
system".  Quasi-public indeed.

ok.  And that's exactly what it is a government entity. No argument here.
He organized the Democratic-Republican party and they always referred to
themselves as Republicans.  Now it is true that modern democrats like to

Really?  Gee, right here it states that, "The Democratic Party traces
its origins to the Democratic-Republican Party, founded by Thomas

The modern democratic party traces it's origins to Thomas Jefferson, but I already said that.....

look back at him an Jackson as their party founders(this is kind of hard on
me as I consider my self a democrat and they are two of my least favorite

That's because modern day Democrats have abandoned their original
liberal (as in liberty) origins and are now the "Progressive" party of
American Socialism.  If you subscribe to today's Democratic views,
then of course you wouldn't agree with the liberal views of Jefferson
(or really any of our founders).

It depends on which policies we are discussing. We are discussing monetary policy. I agree with Hamilton there should be a strong central bank. He also supported the federal government backing specialized economic pursuits, which I also agree with. However the federalist tended to mix religion and government and I don't agree with that so much.

Very few of the founding fathers were as libertarian as many people like to believe. There were those that thought the federal government should do more(Adams, Hamiliton, arguably even Washington), and there are those who thought it should do less(Jefferson, at least before he was president :)). But it was mostly an argument about federal power. Most of them did not argue against local government power.


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