<quote name="Nicholas Leippe" date="Thu,  4 Dec 2008 at 12:54 -0700">
> On Thursday 04 December 2008 11:12:03 am Von Fugal wrote:
> > <quote name="Michael Torrie" date="Thu,  4 Dec 2008 at 10:54 -0700">
> > I am oversimplifying a lot in all these points, but I can't stand by and
> > let the equally oversimplified statement "gold doesn't scale" just sit
> > there.
> >
> > Von Fugal
> Money supplies _must_ be able to expand. Seriously, watch the documentary. I 
> wish everyone would.
Probably not till after finals, but I think I will.

> 170 years ago, the common people understood this stuff. That's how Andrew 
> Jackson won the presidency. His singular campaign goal was to abolish the 
> privately owned central bank, which he did quite thoroughly, and the common 
> people understood why it was necessary and wanted it. He did such a good job 
> that it took over 70 years for the bankers to install another private central 
> bank (the same, deceitfully named, privately owned "Federal Reserve" bank 
> that 
> we have today). Note, 70 years is at least 3 generations--enough time for the 
> common people to forget. It's since been nearly 100 years since the fed was 
> put in--almost 5 generations. No one remembers this stuff. It's a matter of 
> education, and they aren't teaching it in schools...
It would have been cool to live in one of those generations where the
masses weren't endoctrinated with "government is an economy's best
friend" nonsense.

> It boils down to two problems:
> 1) Privately owned central banks loan debt-based currency to nations.
>    (Private banks can wield control over it's debtors. Don't be daft
>     and brush this off as "conspiracy theory"--there's no theory to it, it
>     is fact.)
> 2) Fractional reserve banking allows banks to control the money supply.
>    (Thus they can facilitate transfers of wealth to them--the rich get richer)
> There are very specific, factual examples of this in the documentary, 
> relevant 
> to us today.
I'm curius why since you are so adamantly oppose to the federal reserve
and central banks, yet you seem to think the function they perform
(expanding the money supply) is so necessary. I agree with all you said
about the fed, but not only shouldn't the fed control money, nobody
should. Money supply should not be expandable under any power. I would
concede that inflation is inevitable, but I don't think it's good or
necessary (if somehow we were able to have a money that never expanded I
don't believe that would generate any problems), but inescapable... ya.
Does that mean we should allow some consortium of men to perform the
inflation deliberately? Absolutely not!

Von Fugal
Government is a disease that masquerades as its own cure
-- Robert Lefevre

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