On Feb 19, 2009, at 9:11 AM, Dennis Muhlestein wrote:

Kimball Larsen wrote:
So, my elderly (4+ years old) home server is banging on death's door, so I need to figger out what to use to replace it. It's been a while (uhm, 4+ years) since I've had the pleasure of trying to build out my own linux box rather than buying something pre-configured for windows and just slapping linux on it. So, I've got some questions: What processor family will offer the best bang for the buck? Should I go with an AMD or an Intel? What are the advantages of Phenom vs Athalon vs Opteron? Do various flavors of linux like one processor family more than another? How's about motherboards? I assume that after I pick a CPU, I should mate it with a well-supported motherboard. Any that you can recommend as having solid linux support for all their doo-dads? I prefer to make this thing be as small as possible (think media center pc sized), but have space for a typical ATX case if need be.

Why host your own? If you're going to spend $$$ on a server, why not just spend $ on a good virtual server. You can do an Amazon E2C cloud virtual server for around $50/month I think.

Control and cost. First off, this is only a *personal* server - I don't use it for any of my business stuff at all. For < $400 I can put together an adequate box that even has a few bells / whistles. At $50 / month, a hosted server will cost more than my dsl connection at home to connect to the darn thing.

50/month * 4 years = $2400. Slightly more than the 1500 an adequate server will cost but lots less than the 3-5k a server that could rival what you get for the price would be.

I'm sure there are other many hosting options with many different price points.

I don't think any are really justifiable for my situation.

Thanks, though!

-- Kimball

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