Check with Center 7 in Orem - they have a new facility in place.
You could always do weekly snapshots of the systems and push those off-site;
that way if anything fails, you don't have a total loss.

On Fri, Apr 24, 2009 at 4:12 PM, Kimball Larsen

> On Apr 24, 2009, at 10:52 AM, William Attwood wrote:
>  I say two routes:
>> 1) For desktops, other backups, use
>> 2) For servers, setup a 2nd colo mirroring the first, so if one goes down,
>> the other takes over.
>> -Will
> Hmm.  Mozy looks kinda pricey, but may be the best solution for the desktop
> machines.
> As far as servers go, my current servers are not colocated - we've got a
> rack here at the office in a server room (climate controlled, failover
> power, etc)
> I suppose I could set up a colo to mirror, but that would be very expensive
> in this market - we checked into colo pricing before we built out our server
> room, and over the course of a year it was cheaper to build and cool a
> server room than it was to colo.
> -- Kimball
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Warm regards,
William Attwood
Idea Extraordinaire
Steven Wright<>
- "A lot of people are afraid of heights. Not me, I'm afraid of

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Don't fear the penguin.

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