On Fri, Apr 24, 2009 at 4:12 PM, Kimball Larsen
<kimb...@kimballlarsen.com> wrote:
> I suppose I could set up a colo to mirror, but that would be very expensive
> in this market - we checked into colo pricing before we built out our server
> room, and over the course of a year it was cheaper to build and cool a
> server room than it was to colo.

Everything comes with a price. Is downtime more expensive than a colo?
What I mean by this is every company needs to do a cost comparison of
how much a couple of days downtime will cost them in lost revenue. If
your company can stand a little downtime than maybe implementing a
rotation with an off-site tape storage company is what you need. If
your company would lose millions by being down for a few days, than
the co-location option really isn't that expensive relative to what
you would lose.
Just my thoughts.

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