Stuart Jansen wrote:
> Might I suggest we all step back, take a deep breath and bask in the
> awesome of nearly two thousand sweet Tux penguins?

IMNSHO, Tux is single handedly the worst incarnation of logo in the
history of mature human creative ingenuity. The GNU logo is a close second.

On the other side of the coin, Tux has become literally an idol in
nature. One look at that logo, and immediately, you know exactly what it
represents, and it gets nerds talking to and befriending you. Then
again, do you like being associated with that group?

Good thing for solid individual distribution logos such as Shadow Man
and the Circle of Friends.

Then there are all the derivatives, like the penguin holding a fly
swatter smirking at the MSN butterfly, or Tux holding a bazooka. As
creative as they might be, they're awfully juvenile and horribly
executed, don't you think? Even the CrystalXP Tux variations. Fun, if
you're 13 and like swapping Pokeman trading cards.

I was wearing a Guru Labs shirt at the airport (as I generally did to
advertise where I could), and some 6-foot gauntly looking chap, horribly
dressed, covered with acne, and a stench closely following immediately
got excited, and starting asking when I discovered Linux, what
distributions I've run, what I think about flash on 64-bit and so on,
and so on. All I could think to myself was hoping that my seat wasn't
next to his on the plane.

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Don't fear the penguin.

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