On Feb 2, 2010, at 8:16 PM, Jason Hall wrote:

> On Tue, Feb 2, 2010 at 6:28 PM, Kimball Larsen
> <kimb...@kimballlarsen.com> wrote:
>> At work we have several linux servers, a few (1 or 2 kicking around) windows 
>> boxen, and a bunch of macs.  For our file sharing needs on the lan I've 
>> historically just set up a samba share or 2 on one of my linux servers and 
>> things have just worked.
>> Today they stopped just working.
>> I would bore you with the nitty-gritty details of OS X's new hatred towards 
>> the particular samba config I'm using, but I think that is ancillary to the 
>> question I really want to ask:
> Not sure which config settings you're having problems with.  Usually
> it's just been an issue with encrypted passwords when dealing with
> accounts between all the differing systems.  But I regularly use smb
> between the different os's,  and it works just right.
> afp/netatalk setups are actually a pain at times when going between
> all the systems, and I usually just go smb just fine.
> -- 
> Jayce^

Based on the feedback I'm seeing on the smb mailing list, it appears that my 
error was in not disabling .DS_Store creation on network file systems on each 
mac.  I'm  going to disable it tomorrow am and see if the situation improves. 


-- Kimball 

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