On Fri, May 7, 2010 at 3:30 PM, Shane Hathaway <sh...@hathawaymix.org> wrote:
> Then you're saying Marx said:
> 1. Revolution
> 2. Dictatorship
> 3. Anarchic Utopia!

Yes, so long as you understand that 'dictatorship' in this sense means
only that the proletariat are the sole governing power, without
influence from the bourgeoisie.  He did not mean dictatorship in the
traditional sense of a single or small group of people in power.  His
actual conception of this was in the form of a direct democracy, where
everyone had a vote.

> You're also saying that empirically, what really happens is:
> 1. Revolution
> 2. Dictatorship
> 3. GOTO 2 (or sometimes GOTO 1)

More or less, yeah.


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