On 05/18/2010 10:55 AM, Ryan Simpkins wrote:
> Is anyone else out there asking themselves about ZFS, or looking for
> alternatives?

Since ZFS is not really available on Linux (outside of ZFS-Fuse), I
wouldn't think anyone is really asking themselves about ZFS in any sort
of production environment.  Despite having good things to say about
ZFS-Fuse a year or two ago, nothing at all has happened on it in that
time, so I consider it dead.

Even on FreeBSD, ZFS is quite far behind OpenSolaris, and I've heard the
occasional horror story about ZFS being flaky on FreeBSD.

On the other hand, I've used ZFS in production on Solaris 10 for years
and it worked out quite well.  I think BtrFS has the potential to be
technologically superior, though, and I'd much rather run Linux than
Solaris.  Solaris's userspace tools are pretty primitive and archaic
compared to GNU goodness.

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