On 07/14/2010 03:41 PM, Merrill Oveson wrote: > I read the wikipedia article... > > Now, correct me if I'm wrong. > > SCO is going along and decides to sue IBM. Novell steps in a says > "you can't sue IBM you don't own the copyrights in the first place." > So SCO sues Novell. SCO loses and is ordered to pay Novell 2.5 > million. > > It seems SCO might still be in business if they had not decided to sue > IBM or Novell. > So you might say Mr. McBride drove SCO right into the ground. > > Mr McBride has a terrible track record. I can't imagine anyone hiring > him to ever run a business again.
I cannot understand anybody hiring him again either. I guess you can give him a chance for a third strike since this is only his second. The main gist of my comments on him are: 1. He contends I pay him $800 for each copy of Linux I am using? Currently I have two, but that isn't the point. Here is the current pricing for Windows 7: http://store.microsoft.com/microsoft/Windows-Windows-7/category/102 Is he on the same planet the rest of us are on? Even the top price for Windows 7 Ultimate (the only thing I would consider since adding French and Spanish support which you can hot swap to as necessary is added for a trifling extra $20) is only $320. $800 for Linux versus $320 for the latest and greatest Microsoft desktop offering? WHICH PLANET IS HE FROM? PLUTO!? I am sorry, but Pluto is no longer classified as a planet by astronomers. 2. My comments about the loops and other constructs point out that sometimes what is needed to be done frequently makes people come up with code that looks similar. Person one gets his training at an advanced science oriented high school in NYC and goes to MIT. Person 2 received her normal school training in Martinique and then goes on to perhaps the University of Tolouse in France. Don't complain - I know somebody at that University. That it is NOT the point - Tolouse is not known as a techie University. Yet there are times when you need to write the code to create for example the SHA-512 check sum or something else where the constraints of what you are doing would make BOTH of these very different people (one thinks in Americain and the other en Français, one is male and one is female) code look almost identical because it is constrained by what you are doing. I have worked with MILLIONS of lines of code and have at times put out over 1000 lines of debugged code per day. How much code has Darl McBride worked with? But even a judge and some off the shelf people (the jury) aren't even convinced that it is the great code rip-off that McBride claims happened. But even before we get there Novell weighs in and says, hold on there pardner! We didn't sell you that! He is asking $800 per copy for something his company didn't even own in the first place? I can only conclude from his example that BYU needs to stop teaching religion and start teaching ethics instead. 3. I do not know him personally, nor do I know what he is like but my arguments are not because of anything he has done or not done. Read on if you want to know more about me but I am definitively NOT your normal Linux user. I am a computer and network security analyst that just happens to use Linux most of the time. ------------------ TAP THE DELETE BUTTON NOW ------------------ I am writing an even longer reply so people know where I stand but you need to know that as a filter provider: http://www.SecureMecca.com http://www.HostsFile.org I work closely with all of the following people and many more: Mike Burgess of Pennsylvania (MVPHosts) http://www.mvps.org/winhelp2002/hosts.htm Airelle of Strasbourg, France: http://rlwpx.free.fr/WPFF/hosts.htm (He speaks, reads and writes in French, German, English, and Latin) Rodney of Seattle Washington (no web site yet - analyzes malware IP clusters & trends) Steven Burn of the UK (close to Oxford) http://support.it-mate.co.uk/?mode=Products&p=hphosts ALL OF THEM ARE WINDOWS ONLY PEOPLE! I don't have any problem working with them. When Rodney sends me his XLS files I just extract what I want with strings (try it some time). They are all trying to make people's computing safer. So am I. But for an example of how deep my thinking goes, see this URL: http://www.securemecca.com/tmp/Analysis.txt Scroll down to where it says DNSWCDs 1/3. The hosts at these IP addresses may or may not be dangerous now. They really look like the grave-yard for what they are similarly to the xorg.pl domain. All I know is that I cannot coax the malware out of them and probably can't with anything except IE on Windows. But since I have had to back-roll from IE-8 to IE-7 I am NOT GOING TO GO AT THEM WITH IE-7 even with Fiddler! The back rolling was NOT WHAT I WANTED! I had no problems with IE-8! I was a happy camper for the things I had to do with it. But everybody that uses my stuff has had to back-roll from IE-8 to IE-7. Look at the solutions for this problem I provide in this very long section though. 1. Use Linux or Macintosh - problem solved. They are immune to all Windows malware. None of the browsers that work on these operating systems know what to do with ActiveX anyway so they ignore it. In the past I have gone in and altered the Firefox browser with a hex editor on Linux to identify itself as IE and the OS as W2K but it still cannot run ActiveX. I think you know where this is headed for the next solution. 2. Still using Windows? Then shift from IE to ANY OTHER browser and I would recommend Google Chrome or Opera. There went the problem here because these hosts use an ActiveX exploit. That problem only exists with IE. Guess what 70% of the world uses to head out to the Internet with on a normal desktop system? IE! Not only that, you can only pay Provo City on-line with, drum roll please ... IE! I have to acknowledge the realities that exist. As a wise person once said, do all you can about the things you can have an affect on and ignore everything else you have no control over. /* PLUG: http://plug.org, #utah on irc.freenode.net Unsubscribe: http://plug.org/mailman/options/plug Don't fear the penguin. */