<quote name="Tod Hansmann" date="Thu, 16 Sep 2010 at 14:34 -0600">
>   In order to provide another perspective (possibly less valid at that):
> On 9/16/2010 1:02 PM, Stuart Jansen wrote:
> > 1) Suits top post without trimming. Experienced Linux users trim and
> > context post.
> There are many who would (and do) also call this wasting a lot of time.  

You can waste your own time or you can waste the time of everyone
reading the list. The former wastes one persons time, the latter, who
knows how many people. It's also courteous not just for the time wasting
thing. It shows you care enough to take a little thought and effort into
your contribution to the list. Sure, there are lists who don't care or
who prefer the wrong way, so keep that in mind, too. ;)

Von Fugal
Government is a disease that masquerades as its own cure
-- Robert Lefevre

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