On 09/29/2010 09:03 AM, Joshua Lutes wrote:
> I just moved my domain name away from GoDaddy and I need to move my hosting
> away from them as well.  I just use it for my personal blog and file
> transfers and the like.  Would Linode be good for this or would anybody
> recommend another hosting service?  Thanks!

I wouldn't recommend Linode to you for this, no.

Linode is good for situations where you'd love to have your own complete
server that you can do anything with.  e-mail, apache, openvpn, etc.
In other words if you'd be comfortable hosting your blog on your own
personal computer, then you'd be comfortable on Linode.  You have to do
everything from software installtion to setup to maintenance.  I
maintain my linode VPS just like I maintain any server.  regular
security updates, monitor for intrusions, etc.

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