I am looking for a tool to help me simulate a badly behaved TCP/IP 
network connection. I want to simulate a network with high latency, low 
bandwidth, frequent bit errors, and occasional drop-outs. This will help 
me test some software I'm writing.

The idea would be to take this:

    Server Software <-----> My Client Software

And turn it into this:

    Server Software <----> My Evil Tunnel <---> My Client Software

I want to be able to tell the evil tunnel to drop all data after sending 
N bytes, or to randomly drop 1 out of every N packets, or to introduce N 
ms of latency on all packets, or to throttle bandwidth to N bits/second.

The idea is that I can test my client software for robustness in the 
face of degraded network connections.

Does such a tool exist?



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