On 04/16/2011 02:21 PM, AJ ONeal wrote:
> More importantly, why isn't SSO being used instead?

Let's say you're developing a public web site and you want people to 
access it more securely than they would access a blog.  What kind of 
authentication would you use?  I doubt it would make sense to use 
Facebook, Twitter, Google, and so on as a SSO service since people 
frequently use poor passwords with those services.  OpenID has major 
usability problems.  Are there any other SSO options that public web 
sites can use?  (Shibboleth, Kerberos, client SSL certs, and others 
require client-side configuration, making them useless for public web 

> And in the rare case that authorization depends on discrete
> authentication, what is the password being used for?

> If it's a *bank password*, then J4fS<2 is terribly insecure.
> He has it written in his wallet.

Agreed, that's why all password fields should allow passphrases and 
password meters should rank "this is fun" at least as high as "J4fS<2".

> (My bank requires a short (6 min, 8 max) password with randomness.

Your bank is foolish to disallow more than 8 characters.

> If it's *e-mail*, the strength of the password is incredibly important,

Correct.  In today's environment, e-mail passwords are effectively SSO 

> With the e-mail password you can get the plain-text password sent to you
> from any blog or like account.

I assume you're also talking about clueful web site operators who store 
only a salted password hash, never the plaintext password; clueful web 
sites still allow you to reset your password by sending a secret URL to 
your email address.

> The strongest password is one that you don't write down or give out.
> Mathematically fits the bill in my book.

I think "mathematically" should be allowed as a password, but not scored 
very high, since I believe it is much more guessable than a phrase even 
as simple as "this is fun".


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