On Mon, 2011-04-25 at 22:46 -0600, Steven Morrey wrote:
> I can come up with a list of talking points that can be boiled down
> and condensed into bites that a politician can understand.

IP addresses are not like phone numbers. They get reassigned regularly.
Any evidence based on IP address must include an exact timeframe.

IP addresses are not like SSNs. Multiple people can share the same
address at the same time. This is called NAT or "internet connection
sharing" and it is widely used. Any evidence based on IP address must
show that it includes compensation for NAT.

Most people are not computer experts. Attackers can hijack even password
protected wireless Internet connections. Attackers can hijack computers
remotely to disguise their activity. The worse the behavior is the more
incentive there is to hide behind someone else's Internet connection. 

Failure to password protect WiFi and run up-to-date antivirus software
is like leaving your credit cards in an unlocked locker at the gym. It's
foolish, but it shouldn't result in violent police raids.

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