On Tue, Apr 26, 2011 at 7:52 PM, Stuart Jansen <sjan...@buscaluz.org> wrote:
> Failure to password protect WiFi and run up-to-date antivirus software
> is like leaving your credit cards in an unlocked locker at the gym. It's
> foolish, but it shouldn't result in violent police raids.

I would be curious to see a rundown on how many people who collect
child pornography have *ever* been convicted of a violent crime.  This
is an uneducated guess, but I would assume that such a person would be
less likely than most other humans to even resist arrest, much less
fight back or use a firearm against police officers.  (Most human
beings require significant conditioning and specific social and
psychological conditions before they will willingly fire a weapon at
another human.)

Point being, I question whether SWAT raids for child pornography would
be justified under any reasonable circumstances.  (Obviously if the
guy is a known gun nut, an NRA member, has a history of violence or is
a soldier with PTSD - which I guess is the same thing as "has a
history of violence" - that would change things.)

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