On Tue, Apr 26, 2011 at 10:49:36AM -0600, Eric Wald wrote:
> Over 25,000 reasonable straight-line passwords; double that to include
> spirals.  Certainly with range for a dictionary attack, but it would
> take long enough that I could re-print the card, print a new card, and
> change all of my most important passwords before you're likely to have
> cracked even one account.
> Granted, I haven't tried it yet, but I keep telling myself to print out
> one with enough numbers for all those 4-digit PINs that are supposed to
> be different from each other.  I could also see myself using it for
> other cases that can't be copied and pasted, such as computer logins.

No, not by a long shot. Because the length of your password could be
infinite, this makes the number of possibilities infinite, even in one
direction. But even using limited length, say 20, you still have billions
upons billions of combinations based on starting location, and direction
traveled. No dictionary attack is feasible with this card.

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