My whole post was intended as sarcasm & irony, it came off wrong
because I was raised in a home where racism was the norm, my whole
family "killed the japs, fought the yellow man" & "feared the pinko
communists", but frankly I learned how to think for myself, so racism
sickens me, I guess it makes my attempts at humor a bit off the mark.

My sincere belief is that we need to get the hell out of the worlds
business and get back to our own.  Our department of defense, needs to
quit being the department of offense, and bring our boys & girls home

We should be defending our own borders with our military, I know this
is going to sound racist and need you to know that I don't mean it
that way, but frankly I'm a lot more worried about someone from south
of the border coming in carrying anthrax, ebola or a semi-automatic,
than I am of some ignorant imam who can't read or if he can, then he
somehow manages to intentionally ignore the fact that the very name of
his religion is peace.

Anyways, sorry if my posts on the subject have seemed ill informed,
they were a sincere attempt at humor in an effort to brighten your

PLUG:, #utah on
Don't fear the penguin.

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