On Sun, Jan 22, 2012 at 6:56 PM, S. Dale Morrey <sdalemor...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I just thought I'd share this with the group.
> Evidently former Sen. Chris Dodd is now working as a lobbyist for the MPAA.
> According to an article at TheHill.com he has gone on record as saying
> that Politicians who refuse to toe the line of the MPAA can expect
> Hollywood to work against them in the future.
> http://thehill.com/blogs/hillicon-valley/technology/205491-consumer-group-accuses-hollywood-of-threatening-politicians
> I read the verbatim transcript portion and actually got more or less
> he was saying that the MPAA wasn't going to give big checks out
> anymore to anyone who weaseled out of SOPA.
> Thoughts?

This is despicable behavior.  I can't say I'm surprised with this move
coming from FannyMae/FreddyMac/Community Reinvestment Act/Mortgage
crisis Dodd.  People need to wake up and realize that their liberties
are under attack by a Federal government that thinks our Constitution
is antiquated and an obstacle to "progress".



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