On 01/22/2012 06:56 PM, S. Dale Morrey wrote:
> I just thought I'd share this with the group.
> Evidently former Sen. Chris Dodd is now working as a lobbyist for the MPAA.
> According to an article at TheHill.com he has gone on record as saying
> that Politicians who refuse to toe the line of the MPAA can expect
> Hollywood to work against them in the future.
> http://thehill.com/blogs/hillicon-valley/technology/205491-consumer-group-accuses-hollywood-of-threatening-politicians
> I read the verbatim transcript portion and actually got more or less
> he was saying that the MPAA wasn't going to give big checks out
> anymore to anyone who weaseled out of SOPA.
> Thoughts?
Is this really news to anyone? I mean it's almost comforting in a way to 
see this in print, but this kind of thing has been going on for years 
and years and years...... Politicians are either being "bought" by 
lobbyists or they enact or change laws from which they can profit 

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