On 09 Feb 2012, at 12:56, Alan Young wrote:

> On Thu, Feb 9, 2012 at 12:48, Daniel C. <dcrooks...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> I worked for Verio once upon a time, and I cannot say enough good
>> about them.  It can be difficult to find an international company that
>> maintains a small-company feeling, but Verio has managed to do so.
>> There were plenty of opportunities for advancement or movement within
>> the company, everyone I worked with was very friendly and
>> professional, the customer base was great, etc. etc. etc.  My
>> experience was several years ago, but I'm confident that things there
>> have stayed fantastic.
> It is a nice company to work for ... the pace is definitely slower
> than most of the companies I've worked at in the past.  We actually
> have a QA department, and we're expected to write at least minimal
> tests for our stuff.  A pleasant difference from the owner coming in
> Friday afternoon and asking for a whole new featureset for Monday
> morning. :]

As a reseller of their products I do not know the internal environment, but 
from the outside, my opinion of them has continued to decline dramatically over 
the past decade since they were iServer and sold out to Verio.  Their outward 
customer service offerings are pitiful at best.  Just my own opinion.  Take it 
with some salt.  :)

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