On Oct 1, 2012, at 12:35 PM, Robert Merrill wrote:

> MySql performance blog shows some interesting analysis of RAID vs SSD vs 
> Fusion-io with some arguably good things to consider if price > performance 
> in your setup:
> http://www.mysqlperformanceblog.com/2009/05/01/raid-vs-ssd-vs-fusionio/

With SSDs, you need to notice that the performance charts mentioned in the blog 
are tests done in 2009, over three years ago.  There is a *huge* difference in 
price/performance of SSDs since then, as in much cheaper and quite a bit 
faster.  Don't take that blog post for anything other than how those devices 
performed at that time, and definitely with several grains of salt.

Spindle drives seem about right in his tests, as single tech hasn't changed a 
lot in the past three years.

As for FusionIO, I have never played with them.  They are quite pricey, 
definitely aimed at the enterprise and carrier-grade models, though if they can 
perform as they claim the big boys will definitely have uses for them.  For 
shops with less than six zeros in their hardware budget, SSDs may well be the 
way to go.

As always, mileage may vary, research and use the right tool for the right job. 
 Etc, etc, blah, blah.


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