*> Any Micro-USB power source will work, though some might be better than

* *

*Would the Micro USB cable be ok from a powered USB hub? As I just
mentioned, an idea that came to me was using the hub not only as a hub but
a power source. But I don't know for sure that such would work. I don't see
why not off my head, but I'm far from an expert on such ideas.*

* *

*> I use one from Monoprice and it works great.*

* *

*Thanks for that one. I'll look into that.*

* *

*> Buy a case for it. There are *tons* of options.*

*> Adafruit carries a ton of them. http://adafruit.com/category/105*

* *

*I'll have to look into that. Strange that two different magazine articles
on the pi didn't mention that there are cases you can buy for them.*

* *

*> I currently use a 32GB card, and it works great. Buying a faster card*

* *

*That's a good tip. 32GB is likely enough for my needs, but I do want it to
be somewhat fast. :)*

* *

*> The official distribution, Rasbian, contains plenty of packages. But*

*> it's not the only distro you can use. You can use Arch or even*

*> Fedora*

* *

*I don't know as I'd want to use Arch. Isn't that a source based
distribution kind of like Gentoo? Don't get me wrong. I LOVE Gentoo! But I
don't know as I'd want to take the time to compile things on a 700MHz chip.
Besides, the Raspbian distro has some tools built in specifically for the
pi, like overclocking utils and utils to change the system/video memory
split. Fedora for ARM may or may not have those.*

* *

*Thanks for the info guys!*

* *

*--- Dan*

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