*On April 28, 2013, Jima wrote: *

* *

*> When I used Comcast for internet, my IP rarely changed. Actually,*

*> thinking back, I'm not sure it changed i the year we had it. I'd have*

*> to check my dynamic DNS logs to be certain, though.*

* *

*Well, that's what their web page said all those years ago. Business class
customers would get to use a "semi-static" IP address, and it specifically
stated that it changed about every six months. Now maybe that has since
changed. If so, it's very handy. If not, well,  I can figure something out
I guess. I don't absolutely NEED a static IP, but it would surely be a lot
easier if I got one. :)*

* *

*> We do still have Comcast for video, and all we have are TiVos with*

*> CableCard. The biggest issue you'll have is installation -- regardless*

*> of what the scheduler might tell you, next to no installation techs know*

*> a thing about CableCard. As with Charter, the only way we managed to*

*> get it working was walking the installer through the process*

*> ourselves...thank goodness both my wife and I are technical enough for

* *

*That's cool. What exactly is the procedure? I've never used CableCard
before so I'm about as knowledgeable as the average installer right now.
Unlike the installers though, I'm eager to learn more. :) Is there a URL or
something you'd recommend I read? Or some other resource?*

* *

*I know for my purposes I'd probably setup a MythTV box, and use that tuner
I saw in a magazine about a year ago. It was a single PCIe card that had
four tuners on the card and had a slot for a CableCard card in the metal
chassis. Either that or something similar would work just grand for my
purposes. I'm not too worried about on-demand stuff. Just recording things
from channels like HBO or CBS or SyFy or what not at scheduled times. I'll
leave the on-demand stuff for the normal TV. It will probably be a rare
event that I use it, really. I know when I was visiting my parents several
years ago - after selling my old house and not having the newly purchased
house available to me yet (separate, long story) - there was no on demand
usage the entire month I was with them. Not just them, but even _I_ was not
terribly interested in their on demand offerings. :)*

* *

*--- Dan*

On Sun, Apr 28, 2013 at 2:10 AM, Jima <j...@beer.tclug.org> wrote:

> On 2013-04-27 03:57, Dan Egli wrote:
> > *A 27/7 line? I didn't know Comcast offered such a beast. I'm also
> > surprised Comcast is offering static IPs at all. Last I looked, which was
> > admittedly quite a long time ago (many years) Comcast didn't offer static
> > IP at all. The best you could get was a "semi-static" ip that would
> change
> > about 2x a year. And there was no mention of being exempt to their
> > metering. If they have cut off the bandwidth cap for business class
> > customers maybe I'll go with them when I get back to UT.
>   I don't think business-class was ever subject to the caps.
> Residential didn't used to be, as far as I know; part of the backlash
> was the fact that quietly added them.
>   When I used Comcast for internet, my IP rarely changed.  Actually,
> thinking back, I'm not sure it changed in the year we had it.  I'd have
> to check my dynamic DNS logs to be certain, though.
>  > You'll have to let
> > us know if they're any good. If they are, maybe I'll use them instead of
> > Qwest. Anyone know if their encrypted cable is compatible with
> CableCard? :)
>   We do still have Comcast for video, and all we have are TiVos with
> CableCard.  The biggest issue you'll have is installation -- regardless
> of what the scheduler might tell you, next to no installation techs know
> a thing about CableCard.  As with Charter, the only way we managed to
> get it working was walking the installer through the process
> ourselves...thank goodness both my wife and I are technical enough for
> that.
>   As for encrypted cable, you mean such as premium channels, right?
> Those work just fine.  I don't believe there's any way to get the
> on-demand stuff working (at least with the TiVos, I can't speak for any
> other CableCard-consuming devices).
>       Jima
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