Hey everyone,

One of the guys on my team (BSD) at Apple is retiring soon and we'll
be looking for a new engineer. There's no req yet, as his retirement
date is not until March or something. Our team maintains most of the
non-kernel BSD projects (shell commands, utilities, scripting
languages, etc), and the guy who's retiring has been the one who
maintains our implementations of Python and Perl, as well as several
other projects. There will probably be some project shuffling on the
team when he leaves, but someone who has experience with Perl or
Python source would have a pretty good leg up.

We'd be looking for a reasonably experienced systems programmer (5+
years) with a strong Unix background.

I don't know what the pay range for the position will be, but Apple
has an incredible benefits package (health/dental/optical) and lots of
great perks (employee discounts on hardware/software, lots of
discounts for third-party stuff, etc).

It's pretty unlikely that telecommuting/remote office would be on the
table, as Apple likes to keep engineering teams together as much as
possible, but most of us work from home one or more days per week. In
addition, even though housing is insanely expensive here in the Bay
Area, the magnolia trees by the building next door to mine are
blooming. It's pretty hard to beat the weather and area here.

If you have any questions or will be interested once I have an actual
req, reply here or off list. Or you can email my work address 'aesplin
at apple dot com'.

Alex Esplin

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