I was re-reading an issue of Maximum PC from a couple months ago and I got
to an article they gave on how to setup a protected volume using Acronis
TrueCrypt. That started me thinking of similar utilities on Linux. I know
there's eCryptFS. What other packages are you aware of that would allow one
to create an encrypted file system? And do any of them have that advanced
feature that TrueCrypt has where you can create a volume with two
passwords, and one password opens one set of files, while the other opens
another set of files? The thing I really liked and thought it was cool was
that if you did use one of the advanced volumes, there was no way to see
(short of digging heavily into the program logic as it examines the volume)
that it was actually one of those advanced volumes and therefore would have
a separate password. This seemed like such a cool feature, that I just
can't see it or something similar not being available in some Linux/Open
Source package.

Does anyone know? I'm dying of curiosity! :)

--- Dan

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