My behavior is different. I suspect it's due to your configuration, and not a 
bug ZSH. You might get more help on Stack Overflow.

I suspect that tab completion is handled by the lines that start

zstyler ':completion:'

I think my line that governs this behavior is this one:

zstyle ':completion:*' completer _complete _ignored

I can't really help more. A few years ago I tweaked zsh as little as possible, 
and haven't touched the configuration since. I don't understand most of the 

Good luck,


On Friday, January 24, 2014 11:13:23 Michael Torrie wrote:
> On 01/24/2014 10:41 AM, Richard Esplin wrote:
> > I had the same confusion, but I believe it is desired behavior.
> > 
> > In zsh, the first time you tab it gives you the completion list. If you
> > hold the tab, or tab again, it continues the completion with the first
> > item from the list.
> > 
> > It took me a long time to figure out that I had a propensity to hold down
> > the tab key.
> Hmm.  But the first tab doesn't give a list.  It just fills in the
> letters that it can.  In my example, should it not just fill the
> filename to "file1234" and stop? A second tab pulls up the list, and a
> third tab lets me pick.  How is putting in a . that only works with the
> second filename anyway desired behavior?  I think I might log an issue
> with the zsh bug tracker and see their take on it.
> I do like how if there are files with identical parts but different in
> the middle, zsh will fill it all in and then drop the cursor in the
> middle section.  Though I can see how fish's completion (somewhat more
> like how GUI's do it) would be slick too.

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