On Fri, Feb 7, 2014 at 8:00 PM, Richard Esplin
<richard-li...@esplins.org> wrote:

> Most designers currently believe two things:
> * No one reads
> * Words are bad

Again, how is this relevant to the Slashdot redesign?  It's now got a
reasonable amount of whitespace between lines and a somewhat larger
header font.  It's less dense, but I think that's generally a good
thing for readability.  There are still plenty of words on the pages.

I have yet to see anyone on PLUG offer a reasonable critique of the
redesign. Just a lot of "I don't like it" and random rants about web
designers.  It's fine to just not like it, but don't pretend that your
opinion is somehow the "right" one if you can't even articulate why
you don't like it.

Anyway, the users of Slashdot have spoken, and apparently they don't
like it.  Hopefully they'll end up fixing it so both the web designers
and the users are both happy.


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