On 12/01/2014 04:59 AM, Dan Egli wrote:
> I was thinking of various uses one could put a Raspberry Pi to, and a
> question occurred to me. I know the Model B (and B+) have an Ethernet port
> built in. Has anyone ever seen a shield, or other method (besides USB) of
> including an additional port on the Pi? 

Absolutely.  Several companies make ethernet shields.  Typically they
communicate with Arduino using something called SPI (Serial Peripherals
Interface), which uses I think 3 GPIO pins to form a multi-device bus.
The shield contains its own microprocessor which handles the connections
and the low-level details.  In your arduino code you use a high-level
API that exposes a simple sockets API to your code.  You can use this to
write a simple web server if you wish, or handle telnet or something else.

Also ethernet shields all come with a SD card slot as well for some reason.

> I know that the GPIO pins will
> allow you to do a lot via shields and/or expansion boards connected via
> ribbon cable, but I don't know if there's a good way of linking the GPIO
> pins to the pins to the pins of an Ethernet controller (or Fast Ethernet or
> whatever). Does anyone know of such a device? If so, does it work with the
> standard Raspbian distro? I know there are "Ethernet shields" for Arduino,
> but then I'd have to write a heck of a lot more code to do the same thing
> as I can accomplish with Raspbian on the Pi and a board that provides an
> extra Ethernet port. Not to mention how much slower an Arduino is compared
> to the CPU on the RPi.

Mating a Raspberry Pi with an arduino is also very useful.  They can
communicate with each other via serial.  Then the Pi can do more
complicated stuff like run a real web server, and the arduino can run
certain real-time hardware tasks and interface with hardware.  Arduino
is easier for beginners like me to interface with hardware, as it's 5v,
and many components are 5v. The Pi itself is 3.3v, so you have to
convert the logic for interfacing with some parts.

I have a special little arduino board called the Gertduino (IIRC) that
mates with the rasberry pi's connector on one side, and has the normal
arduino pin layout on the other side so you can attach shields to it.

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