On Mon, 1 Dec 2014 10:27:07 -0700
Levi Pearson <levipear...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Or, use something like the Beaglebone Black instead of a RPi in the
> first place. By the time you get your RPi, your board to connect the
> Arduino, and the Arduino itself, you've blown through the price
> difference between the boards. The BBB's SoC is designed with IO and
> industrial control in mind rather than being a repurposed set-top-box
> SoC like the RPi. It's weaker in the video department, but *way*
> stronger for most other things.  For networking-specific tasks,
> however, you might be better off getting an older wireless router with
> full open-source support, or one of the cheap dev boards based on a
> MIPS network routing SoC.


Doran L. Barton <f...@hypermoo.com> - Linux, Perl, Web, good fun, and more!
 "Give me coins and I will enjoy you."
    -- Seen on a box for a child's bank

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