On Fri, Feb 6, 2015 at 11:12 AM, Steve Meyers <st...@plug.org> wrote:

> On 02/06/2015 09:49 AM, Tod Hansmann wrote:
>> Holy hell, all those PHP submitted talks, yet no other language goes
>> noticeably far into double digits (Javascript is the only noted contender,
>> actually, which goes with the PHP anyway).
> The PHP community is over-represented because I've combined the SkiPHP
> Conference in with OpenWest this year. Because of that, we got a LOT of
> out-of-town speakers to submit.
> It is true that the PHP community is pretty responsive to CFPs, though.
> If anybody wants to talk about Ruby, we don't have a single talk from
> their community.
> Other than Ruby, though, I think we have enough to fill the tracks we'll
> have. The Java community is a little different, and I expect their UG
> leader to coerce a couple more talks out of their UG.
Ah, that does help explain the PHP side.  As for the other tracks, is there
stuff I can help with there?  How does that process work?  I do Java, C++,
.C#, Python, and can talk about network programming, GUIs, embedded stuff,
web protocols, or a lot of related things.  (Fair warning: I don't do
enterprise Java, so my Java ends up much more compressed.)  I could also
likely get a guy here for a couple talks on Java, Forth, or K (the APL
lang) for the cost of a plane ticket from MTU (where he teaches) to here.
He'd be happy to stay at my place like he does every year anyway.

-Tod Hansmann

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