> On Mar 3, 2016, at 5:09 PM, Frostyfrog <frostyfr...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I first tried out xmonad, then I switched to subtle, and now I'm using dwm.
> xmonad <http://xmonad.org/> was a bit bulky from my experience. All
> configuration was done in haskell and you need to have ghc in order to
> compile the config.

You say that like it’s a bad thing.  Everyone should have ghc installed anyway. 

I also like lua, so I tried awesomewm, but for some reason it always felt 
really slow compared to xmonad; if I’m going to go all minimalist with my 
window manager, it’d better be fast.

> dwm <http://dwm.suckless.org/> offers an insane amount of customization. On
> the downside, you need to learn C. From my experience, DWM works well with
> 4 monitors. If you're willing to tinker with your WM and want to learn a
> bit of C, I'd give dwm a try. To quote their website, "dwm is only a single
> binary, and its source code is intended to never exceed 2000 SLOC" 2000
> lines of code isn't that bad to read through if you want to tinker with
> DWM's fundamentals.

Not as nice as xmonad, and not even the guys who made Unix thought configuring 
stuff in C was a good idea.  But it’s nice if you don’t want to change the 
config. The folks at suckless.org have some nice programs if you need 
lightweight alternatives to things, but I think they must be slightly insane. :)

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