I can add 3 more hosting type options to consider on hosting side, further down.

On 9/21/21 6:23 PM, AJ ONeal @ Home wrote:
Thanks for everything so far. I'm keeping track of my exploration here:

Keep 'em coming.

Some notes:

ProPay is owned by big corp but not sure on neutrality

"Prohibited [High-Risk] Activities [such as] Products/services that promote
hate, violence, harassment or abuse"

There are those blanket, ambiguous terms, ready to be lobbed at any
unsuspecting passerbys at will...

They also disallow you from selling jammers, firearms, and renting Villas.

I figured as much on ProPay but I no longer deal with them after being acquired.

Hosting wise, these have been options I use or know personally that most likely match your needs/desires:


Offers cloud and AWS equivs, as well as some dedicated servers (mostly older configs, but decent if not needing Intel Gold). They are some of the remnants of GNAX portions/services after splitting up parts selling to a Denver based DC/NOC company that has been buying up data centers. I also sold my small cloud infrastructure I had setup and partnered with GNAX at that time; Netdepot has their own now. I have 3 shared hosting companies on servers located at NetDepot, so I know the main tech at the original Atlanta DC. They push mostly their Houston DC now, which I suspect is inside or affiliated on the backside with TRG below. I have not seen anything in their TOS for concern like Amazon AWS, the douservers option, et al. Looks more like the traditional legals without the newer vague loop holes, but I did not put on my attorney hat and do a full review, just a quick scan.

If you can setup your own equipment in a colo like fashion, then these guys are great (they market as the un-datacenter):


I have dealt with 3 generations of this family. I know the dad (middle generation) the best and his son in running operations and grew up and learned from the best in their datacenters since a teen. I know them politically as well and I doubt they have anything objectionable/vague like your concerns, but I did not read anything on their side. If I fire up some of my hosting services again or need a place to park a few machines for a startup (such as for that search engine I want to develop), this is the first place I will look at if such needs arise.

There is another one that I know the owner/president and have very good relations with (and have used in the past), but looking at their use policies, they have a couple of lines that would concern me, but knowing the "big boss" I doubt it would be used in the manner of the "twitterati" rage mobs unless very heavy. But with your concerns, I would place them further down the list of possibles until more experience/knowledge could be obtained on intentions of the legalese since they are borderline in my mind based on my experience with them. Oh, they are also a lot more managed in their services, which drove me nuts sometimes when they didn't get the memo from the boss that I was managing my own servers there. Lot more monitoring too than anywhere else I've had servers at (can be very good in most cases).


So those are the realistic matches with ones I know or have used. The rest in my quiver would definitely be problematic for yer proposed use (or have vague terms that can be weaponized in a relationship).

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