On Tue, 1 Nov 2005, Scott wrote:

Tests-Computer:~ Test$ sudo perl -MCPAN -e shell

So far, so good.
Do you know whether you have the OS X developer tools installed?
I *think* this is required (but not sure)

cpan> install Mac::AppleScript::Glue

Warning: prerequisite Mac::AppleScript 0.03 not found.
Warning: prerequisite Test::Pod 0 not found.

Version 0 looks strange to me...

Warning: prerequisite Pod::Escapes 1.04 not found.

I don't remember having to install Test::Pod or Pod::Escapes, but can you try to install them separately?

cpan> install Pod::Escapes
cpan> install Test::Pod
cpan> install Mac::AppleScript

In that order? If they all come back OK, then try
cpan> install Mac::AppleScript::Glue

HOpe this helps?
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