Kyle Wrote: 
> I've got up and running, but I'm a little confused about
> choosing music from the website and playing it through the SB.  Also,
> it doesn't appear as though is seeing what I am playing unless
> I am playing a feed.  Is it supposed to see the music from my
> own collection that I choose?

Ah, a perfect opportunity to "share the joy" and explain how some of
this works!

OK, here's how it works.  You need to put your user name and password
in the slimscrobbler plugin (in the plugins section of your slimserver
web interface), the slimscrobbler plugin will then automatically send
information to about what kind of music you have been playing
on your squeezebox(s).  At about two minutes into listening to a track
it will transmit the info to website and update your user
profile info with the data about the song.

Then in the internet radio section under you define the
stations you want to listen to with the squeezebox.  You do NOT control
the feed from your PC (at least not that I can figure out, all
that happens if I run the pc client and SB at the same time is the SB
gets confused and gets no audio output).

For example, if you play the /slimscrobbler station then Last.FM will
start playing music that is associated with tags for music you have
been playing on your own squeezebox.

If you want to build an artist station then you would populate it as


Want a station for listening to rock?


Or your own personal station that is defined from what you've listened
to in the PC Client?

/usr/<your username>

Your favorite ("loved") tracks that you have marked while listening (if
you are a subscriber)?

/usr/<your username>/loved

Once you have music playing then if you arrow down in the Last.FM menu
from the Squeezebox you will see the options to love/skip/ban songs or
to change the station to any of the above.  There is always an option
to change the station to a new artist station based on the artist you
are currently listening to.

Hope this helps, and I hope someone captures some of this into whatever
readme/FAQ/manual gets created for the plugin!  :)

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