On 18/06/06, chris <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hmm, selecting the MYSQL option and then clicking scan on the options
screen crashes the application rather spectacularly for me. The error
doesn't seem to give much away but does mention an io filenotfound

Hi Chris,

From this error it sounds like Moose is having problems finding the
MySql connector Dlls..

In the install instructions for Moose it says to copy the file
'MySql.Data.dll' from mysql-connector-net-1.0.7-noinstall.zip, which
is here:

A few people have found they need to copy all the files from the
net-2.0/release folder as well as the 'ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.dll'
file from the root..

An alternative may be to download the installable connector zip
and run the install..


- Dr Lovegrove
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