RE:Win2K3 server

You need to change the NTLM Policy for that server to allow access from
"unsafe" clients. If the server is a Domain Server you need to change
the Domain Policy aswell.

By deafult Windows Server 2003 will try to encrypt everything sent to
and from it. With this enabled you will not be able to log in to the
share from your Linux/MAC/Win9x client.
To fix this there are a couple of options.
-1 your server is nothing more than a regular file server. In this case
open up regedit (Start > Run > "regedit" {return}), and navigate to
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ System \ CurrentControlSet \ Services \
LanManServer \ Parameter \ RequireSecuritySignature, and set it's value
to "0".

-2, your server is also a Domain Controller. In which case you need to
open the DC's Security Policy (Administrative Tools > Domain Controller
Security Policy). Navigate to Local Policies > Secuiry Options, and
disable "Microsoft network server: Digitally sign communications
(always)" & "Microsoft network server: Digitally sign communications
(if client agrees)". 

Reboot your sever, and you should be good to go.

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