bpa Wrote: 
> If a stream just has errors, playing will continue but it will
> eventually end up being choppy and stuttering.  This very rarely
> happens with Listen Again & Podcast as they are not live and TCP error
> correction ensures no data loss.
> However, if the network connection is broken/ended then Slimserver (if
> set to Repeat) will make the connection again (as if to replay a track)
> and so a live stream will continue as it is live but a Listen Again or
> Podcast will start from the beginning.  There can be no recovery as it
> appears to Slimserver that the BBC server said "end of program".

Cool, thanks for the explanation.

bpa Wrote: 
> Since the problem happens with both Podcast and Listen Again which are
> different formats and use different playback mechanisms - your problem
> seems to be network related.  You need to find out why the network
> connection is being broken as it is unusual especially if it only
> happens with the BBC servers.

I'll be a bit pedantic here and say that the problem relates the the
WAN stream rather than the LAN. I encounter interruptions to the
streams from multiple Internet radio sources but as the BBC is the only
one I use for Listen Again and Poodcasts I was wondering if there was
something unique about these and why recovery was not possible.

bpa Wrote: 
> You haven't given any details of your set up (e.g PC, OS, SS version,
> Alien Version,   network connection, location) so it is difficult to
> give more advice.

Sorry - should've remembered this from last time:

SqueezeBox 3
Slimserver: 6.3.0 Build 8148
AlienBBC 1.04
OS Windows XP SP2

Kaizen28's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=5953
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