Michael Herger;136432 Wrote: 
> Max,
> Thanks for the feedback.
> Is this in screensaver mode or normal from player/web interface? I
> can't  
> reproduce it :-/. And what exact version is this? There's been a
> problem  
> with 2.0, you'd need 2.01.
It's in normal mode from the player interface.  I only downloaded the
plugin from your web page this afternoon, so I'm guessing it's 2.01.

I just tried it on a different album and it was fine for that one.  I
then went back to the original album that caused problems and it's fine
for that one as well.  That makes debugging a bit difficult!  If it's
any use, the error came up for the very first album that I tried
looking up with the new plugin.

One further comment by the way - the plugin always displays No
Information Found before then finding the information and displaying
it.  It would be much nicer if it didn't do this!

Thanks for the help and for your great plugins.  I'm really looking
forward to trying out the new screensaver modes!



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